Long-life systems
Did you known that some systems lifes more than one year?
Few facts about our application
Have worked on PRD from five years
Main booking engin to sixty tourist agency
44,000 lines of production code in C#
18,000 lines of production code in Javascript
1,200 tests
40 releases
Integrate about 10 subsystems
Do you remember Bob the Builder?
A lot of us seems to like Bob’s approach.
Starts working with legalcy system
Complains on it
Deside to build the same system from the beginning
Makes few things better
Start to belive in “steel” design and lost big picture
After some time the system looks like the old one
Architecture Evaluation
Good architectural design is not only a good project. Good project is just the beginning, you must think about architectural design all the time.
Architecture Evaluation
Even well working system can be easy break.
Architecture Evaluation
Evan weak system can become strong.
What we got in our application
Big Ball of Mud
Transaction Script
No logic and infrastructure separetion
No any kind of dependency management
A lot of code duplication
Javascript as one big ani pattern
In other words:
fragility + no test = disaster!
What pushed us into changes
Low level of system reliability
A lot of opened issues and bugs.
Updates take so long time
In some cases it can take even one day and fail
No any kind of automatic builds
Very hard to create new system instance
At least few years system maintenes perspective
System reminds marathon man after marathon although marathon still go on
System development
New requests from our clients and new clients still required system development
First steps
First unit tests
Cleaning useless code
Dupication code resolving
First attempt to layer isolation
First entry to client side( Dark World of Javscript)
Things are starting to gel
Composite and MVP pattern in Javascript
- Every HTML elements can contains other elements - excellent example of composite pattern.
- Every element has distinct role, however each element is builds with the same parts:
- We have part responsible for HTML - View
- We have part responsible for a data - Model
- We have part responsible for UI logic -Presenter
- Model is not related with View neither Presenter
- Every element exist in isolation
What we achieve on the client side?
Basic division of Responsibility
Possibility of bug fix without text parser :)
Module reusability
Development new feature without risk of breaking old ones
Dependency Injection & Loose Coupling
TDD and unit tests were like first sign of DI
Dependency management - not necessary external complex and heavy framework
Step by step involve new system areas
A lot of effort to isolate from external components
Domain Driven Design
Focusing on domain not on infrastructure
Infrastructure not deside about domain.
Domain not tools or frameworks decide about design
Application like a domain description
System built on domain is more flexible for requirements changes
First sings of system architecture
Additionaly in frontend layer appears new factors
- Quick development and changes in external libraries
- Global dev community start taking Javascript seriously as a language
- Requests from clinets - big pressure on experience
- Client side MVP becomes not sufficient - new layers appears on the client
Where we are now
Back-end flavour onion
Front-end flavour onion
Jimmy Nilsson. Applying Domain-Driven Design and Patterns: With Examples in C# and .NET
Robert C. Martin. Agile Principles, Patterns, and Practices in C